Schenectady Wintersports Club Northern New York Paddlers Mohawk Valley Hiking Club Newsletters April 2024
Message from a Past President By Bill Schaefer
This is the anniversary year of the first SnowTrain in 1934. February and March brought us a great look into SWC’s past and how much we as a club shaped the skiing industry as we know it today. (Read more)
March 3 1934 at 10:30 AM
The significance of this date is that 10:30 am is the exact time that the first Snow Train arrived at the North Creek Train Station with the bell rung to announce its arrival, permanently impacting skiing in the East. (Read more)
Family Memberships
Family membership is available to a MAXIMUM of 2 related adults (spouses or partners), along with minor children or grandchildren, under age 18.
(Read more)
Update your Profile
Update your profile and find your Bundle Coordinator...learn how here.
New Reservation Software
Great news! SWC is implementing WebRezPro, new reservation software replacing the BEDS24 platform during the months of April and May 2024. (Read more)
Board Minutes of Meetings Members only: view here
Clubhouse Work Weekends
May 16 - 19
Announcement of Spring work weekend. (Read more)
How to Ski on $40 a Day
John Bidell did it. Total without coffee: under a grand, or $40 per day for 25 days on the mountain. (Read more)
The Season in One Chart
While this has been an interesting ski season, it really has been pretty average measured by the snowpack on Mt. Mansfield. (Read more)
The Clubhouse Fireplace
Another hot button issue, the fireplace in the lodge. The board is exploring replacement of the wood burning fireplace with a propane unit. (Read more)
Happy Hour
Thursday, April 11 at The Rusty Nail in Clifton Park.
We will meet at 5 pm. No need to sign up, just show up. (Read more)Quarterly Meeting
Thursday, April 18 at Murray's Fools Distillery
SWC will hold a quarterly meeting for Members only on April 18, 2024 from 6 - 8 PM. This is also a special meeting to present and vote on candidates for SWC club officers. A light food menu will be provided. (Read more)
SWC Picnic
Saturday, July 13 at Thacher Park
We are excited to announce that the SWC picnic will again be held in beautiful Thacher Park, Horseshoe II pavilion in the town of New Scotland. (Read more)
Ski Trips 2025
Recently, we sent out a survey to members about ski trip preferences. (Read more)
Save the Date
Early Season Ski Clinic December 12 - 15 2024. (Read more)
In Case You Missed It
The Snow Train Festival; Rock and River Weekend; President's Day Weekend; Chef Earl's Weekend: read all about these and more here
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SWC Member Wins Blue Ribbon!
Congratulations to Sheldon for winning the Uniform Ribbon at Stowe's British Invasion of 760 Vehicles ...check it out
Remembering Dory Alexander
Doreen P. (Reinhardt) Alexander, 64, of Clifton Park, peacefully passed away on Monday, February 26, 2024, at her home, surrounded by the loving comfort of her husband, James P. Alexander, and his sons. Dory was a long term member of the Schenectady Wintersports Club. (Read more)
The Northern New York Paddlers
The President's Message By Ed Greiner
Picture by Pam Fitzgerald
If you went to grade school in New York State like I did, you should have learned New York State history in the fourth grade. We learned about the Iroquois Confederacy with the book “The Great Tree and the Longhouse”. We learned about the structure and history of state government, and we learned about the Erie Canal. Does anyone remember the words to the song “Low Bridge, Everybody Down”? We learned that at the time of its building, the Erie Canal was considered a folly and derogatorily called Clinton’s Ditch. (Read more)
Have fun. Give back. Be outdoors! Become a NYS Canalway Water Trail Steward. Join 70 dedicated individuals, families, and groups who monitor and perform light maintenance at launches and on the water from May 1-October 31. Stewards are critical "eyes and ears" along the water and trail and act as friendly ambassadors, sharing information and answering visitor's questions. We have two available sections along the Erie Canal. We provide supply kits and training, in addition to fun swag to help you get the job done. For more information, contact Mona Caron:
Learn more at:

Mona K. Caron
Program Manager
Erie Canalway Heritage Fund, Inc.
Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor
PO Box 219, Waterford, NY 12188
w: (518) 237-7000 x204
c: (518) 429-9068
Hone Your Skills
Submitted by Kim Greiner
Mohawk Valley Hiking Club
Vroman’s Nose is a prominent hill named after Adam Vroman, who purchased 1200 acres from the Mohawks in 1712 in exchange for 100 gallons of rum and some woven blankets. Originally called Onistagrawa, “Corn Mountain,” by indigenous tribes, these mountains went on to play an important role in the American Revolution.
Peregrine Falcons actively nest at the summit, so although you can still access the Dance Floor throughout the year, there is a slight detour for part of the year. See the map [on kiosk] for the Red Trail Detour.
And because we want to protect the falcons, absolutely NO DRONES are allowed from February 1 to July 31.