Schenectady Wintersports Club

Northern New York Paddlers

Mohawk Valley Hiking Club


January 2025


Chili for the Chili Cook Off

Spicy Chili, Veggie Chili, Vegan Chili, Turkey Chili, Any Chili

January 16th

Notes from the President

The Events page of our website list a variety of options to choose from and offer us opportunities to keep moving throughout the year. A January event that I hope everyone will consider is our quarterly membership meeting, scheduled for Thursday January 16 more

The Clubhouse

Heads Up to Everyone who Stays at the Clubhouse

Brenda Streed, our main reservation volunteer, is going on vacation January 25 - February 2 and will not be available to answer your questions.  The show will continue but with backup volunteers, whom you may contact.  These folks more.

The club manages a busy house during the ski season using only volunteers. We need your cooperation in the following more

Other helpful information:

On General Bookings

On Last Minute Bookings

On Modifying or Canceling a Booking

On Door Codes

The User Guide


Upcoming SWC Events

Click here to view a list of all upcoming SWC Events.

SWC Calendar of Events for 2025

Click here to view the Calendar. Remember to login to include the member-only events in your view.

Save the Date: SWC Quarterly Meeting January 16

A Chili Cook Off competition will be sponsored with all the fixings.  Jim Schaefer will be stopping by with an introduction to a special more

Information on NY Ski Areas

For information on ski areas in the Adirondacks, Catskills and Hudson Valley click here.  


Reviews and Photos

Early Season Ski Clinic

This year’s Ski Clinic at Stowe enjoyed new snow and the new 6 passenger Sun Rise high speed chairlift on good learning terrain.   We had a good group of previous and new attendees for the lessons with some of Stowe’s best instructors.  There was new snow Friday more

The Chatter

Skiing the Underhill Glades by way of the Four Runner Quad

By Sandy Culver

When Stowe still had club days, and the lift tickets were cheap a group of hardy SWCers decided to take the Four Runner Quad to the top and then hike to the “nose” of Mansfield so we could ski the glades of more

Rest and Relaxation after Hard Skiing

By Bill Kornrumpf

The only issue that I had with the Ski Clinic is that I skied hard and hadn’t trained well.  My 82-year-old body was sore after the Early Ski Season Clinic this year and needed rejuvenation.  So, Gina and I took a 5-day relaxation trip to Berkeley Springs West Virginia to relax in the hot mineral spring water and let my sore muscles more

VARIABLE - Adirondack 46er Ski Documentary

Directed by Jamie Kennard

VARIABLE chronicles the 10 year journey of two brothers as they attempt to backcountry ski the Adirondack more

Not to Miss: Bill Schaefer's New Years Resolutions from 2009

I will try not to be distracted from a ski day by more


Do you have a story to tell about an adventure? Please email your stories to me, your editor, using NEWSLETTER STORY in the subject.

The Northern New York Paddlers

For information on canoe and kayak races visit NYPRA.ORG

Mohawk Valley Hiking Club

A hike is being planned for February.  Watch homepage for more information.

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