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Skiing the Catamount Trail

1 May 2024 5:45 AM | Dorie Valenti (Administrator)


Skiing the Catamount Trail

48 more miles in two days on the Catamount Trail. Did the top sections to Canada. Highlights include taking a drink with my head in Canada and swallowing said drink in the US (a kind of modern prohibition act of defiance).  Also ended up skiing through a USOC qualifying event - oops.  I also skied over the top of some random federal government structure in the woods miles from anything.  Scenery was so-so, but still - skiing to Canada, eh?  --Sam Elias

Taking a drink in Canada and swallowing said drink in the US while on the Catamount Trail should be on all of our bucket lists.  Sam has been skiing the trail for the past two seasons and hoped to have had 200 miles done by the end of this season, but he's only at 150, hoping to finish it next year or the year after.  "It's just a nice way to get out in the woods."

Submitted by Dorie Valenti

"Schenectady Wintersports Club Inc." is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2072, Wilton New York 12831

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