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Schenectady Wintersports Club



Welcome Weekend 2025

We hosted a “Family and Friends Weekend” at the Clubhouse on 1/3/25 to 1/5/25!  The first and second floors were nearly full with a few folks on the 3rd floor. Nine folks had dinner on Friday evening with chili, salad and fixings. Our dinner crew grew to 18 on Saturday evening with baked chicken, potatoes, green beans & salad on the menu.

We had many “first timers” staying at the House with several of them being new club members.  Seems the word is getting out!!!

On Saturday we celebrated with a birthday cake and ice cream for two birthday boys followed by two groups of folks playing games (spoons and cards).

Those who skied reported good snow conditions, with several snow squalls adding some fresh powder throughout the day.  Several guests checked out the Waterbury Reservoir for a winter walk and sledding.  

In true Clubhouse spirit, all were anxious to help with chores and meal prep which made Hosting “Super Fun!”

Jim and Aline Flaherty

"Schenectady Wintersports Club Inc." is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2072, Wilton New York 12831

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