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Schenectady Wintersports Club


  • 27 Feb 2025 11:00 PM | Dorie Valenti (Administrator)


    If you are closed out on a date, there is a way to add your name to a Wait List.  When making your search, the page  says “Unavailable rooms” (btw – this really does mean unavailable). Click on the link labelled “Join waitlist”.  We will try to match you up if the room you requested becomes open.

    A close-up of a computer screen AI-generated content may be incorrect.

  • 27 Feb 2025 10:57 PM | Dorie Valenti (Administrator)


    So you booked a room for one night, but you really wanted an additional night?  With the new system, you do not need to make a second booking!!! 

    You should learn about your PROFILE in the booking software WebRezPro (WRP).  Log into your profile as outlined in our USER GUIDE, find the existing booking and modify it to add the additional night. (Assuming the room is available).

    There are benefits to using your PROFILE – every time you log in you will see your rooms, can cancel or modify existing bookings and apply gift certificates. Just be sure to consistently log in with the same email address every time you use WRP.

    P.S. Every booking you make has a unique DOOR CODE, so back-to-back bookings will have different door codes.  For that reason alone, it is worthwhile to learn about modifying a booking in the USER GUIDE.

  • 26 Jan 2025 7:22 PM | Dorie Valenti (Administrator)


    • Make sure the WRP emails do not go to your spam folder
    • Print or bookmark important emails like the Confirmation and Pre-Arrival
    • Always Sign In to WRP using the same email. It allows you to see your existing Reservations, and from there you can Modify or Cancel.
  • 23 Dec 2024 10:00 AM | Brenda Streed (Administrator)


    - Everyone on the booking must be a member.

    - There is a Member Number for every person on the booking - make sure you enter a Member Number for each person, including children.

    - When you book, only enter additional guest names for those in the party. Please do not enter your name 10 times! We run an automation to check on number of people booked versus number of names on the reservation. Check the booking form before you complete it.

    - Make sure you enter your email address correctly. You cannot receive a door code if you typed in the wrong email.

  • 23 Dec 2024 9:59 AM | Brenda Streed (Administrator)


    We allow last minute bookings because that is the nature of Wintersports! We ask that you help us in the following ways:

    - If you book last minute, follow the new directions in the Main Confirmation email in order to get the pre-arrival and door code after the Guest Agreement is completed. There is a new link in the Main Confirmation email to take you directly to the Guest Agreement.

  • 23 Dec 2024 9:58 AM | Brenda Streed (Administrator)


    WRP software allows you to manage your own bookings through your Profile. Here are some suggestions:

    - Please read the User Guide to understand how to Sign In to your profile. Be patient when waiting for the Access Code. If you run into issues with the Access Code, try the following:

    • Use a Chrome or Edge browser
    • Clear the cache and try again

    - Please SIGN IN to your booking profile, using the same email address each time. By signing in, a lot of your info is already entered for you in any new bookings.  (You will not have a Profile if you have never had a booking in WRP).

    - Once you log into your Profile, you can see existing reservations, and then either Modify or Cancel them. Please note: you cannot Modify a booking on the day of arrival.  Email, and we will try to assist if we are available (remember we are volunteers)!

  • 23 Dec 2024 9:57 AM | Brenda Streed (Administrator)


    - Door codes are sent in the pre-arrival email, two days before you arrive, after the Guest Agreement is completed.

    - Last minute bookers - Last minute bookers are those making a reservation the day before or day of arrival. You should still receive a pre-arrival email. If you do not receive the door code by 12:30 day of arrival, please TEXT this number: 802-585-3830

    - Currently, door codes are active at 1:00 PM on the day of arrival, and remain active until 5:00 PM on check out day.  We have extended the active door code CHECK OUT to later in the day, so you can use the house after skiing to clean up.  However, your belongings still need to be out of your room by 11 AM! If you are going to ski and return or you are car pooling, you should place your belongings in your vehicle.

"Schenectady Wintersports Club Inc." is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2072, Wilton New York 12831

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