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Clubhouse Work Weekend

1 May 2024 7:45 AM | Dorie Valenti (Administrator)


Clubhouse Spring Work Weekend   

May 16 to 19 (Thursday to Sunday)

The spring work weekend is the time to catch up on many of the things that couldn’t get done during the ski season.  The fireplace room has a new fire place installed.  The room will need some sprucing up to go with the new fireplace surround. It has been said that anything said in the fireplace room can be heard in room 26.  So, the loft has a new “wall of silence” sound barrier to keep the fireplace room discussions/music from penetrating into room 26. There may be some additional clean up of the loft area to be completed.  

There will be something to do for everybody,  There will be lots of small jobs: repair of storm window casings, painting, fixing loose shower heads, installing grab bars in showers, preparing for installation of the new kitchen fixtures, cleaning up the basement storage, bracing toilet tanks, changing storm windows to screens, mounting the wi-fi repeaters to safer locations and more.  Outside, there are trees to be pruned, the lawn to have ruts filled, fire pit rebuilt, weathered trip replaced, and deck lighting to be upgraded.  Then there is the general cleanup chores: washing all the glassware, cleaning floors, curtains and showers.  

These extended weekends are planned to be a combination work and play event.  There is time for work in the mornings through lunch time and time for recreation in the later afternoon.  I will be bringing my bike up to tune up my legs for the next ski season.  The meals will all be prepared by Chef Earl Lahna.  

Make your online Spring Work Weekend reservations now.  Also make Room Reservations to make sure you have a room, use vouchers for the payment as you don’t pay for these volunteer efforts.  If we fill all the rooms with one person each, we will be asking for those who are willing to share a room.  

Those who attend will be treated to good eating and one room voucher for each day worked. 

This will be the last Work Weekend that I will be leading as I have retired from the Clubhouse chairman’s position.  This year I will be very busy with my commitment to the Edison Tech Center and my shoulder is not healing as rapidly as I had expected.  I have decided to focus on the ETC as SWC is well organized and has the people to carry on the SWC traditions. I believe SWC is in good hands and will do well in the future as it has for the last 92 years.  I will be available for consultation and will still be skiing so I will see you all then.

Submitted by Bill Kornrumpf

"Schenectady Wintersports Club Inc." is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2072, Wilton New York 12831

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