The Clubhouse Fireplace
Another hot button issue, the fireplace in the lodge. The board is exploring replacement of the wood burning fireplace with a propane unit. Oh, I love the smell of wood and the crackling flames. The problem is the 50 year old existing fireplace is left unattended and also over loaded. Some say put up more signage. If I read every sign in the lodge I would need to take notes.So what do we do? We have a safety issue that involves the existing unit and the usage. I travel over 150 days a year, and I rarely see a wood fireplace anymore. They exist, along with the dirt and scorch marks on the mantle. Recently members have confided that they select rooms in the lodge based on egress. The reason why you need to sign in is so the fire department can check your room to see if you got out in an emergency.
So, maybe the rustic charm of a propane fireplace isn’t quite up to what you want in a ski lodge, but with the current heavy usage of the house without a high degree of confidence that members know how to use a wood fireplace, I am voting for the propane replacement so I can continue to use my vouchers and ski cheap.
Submitted by John Bidell