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Ski Trips 2025

1 Apr 2024 9:30 AM | Dorie Valenti (Administrator)


Ski Trips 2025

Recently, we sent out a survey to members about ski trip preferences.

As far as locations, Austria and Banff were the most requested locations.

Looking at cost...28% of people wanted the cost around $3000.00.

35% of people wanted a trip around $2000.00.

We have both!

Austria is on web site and Banff will follow shortly!

We may add an EPIC western trip but we need trip leaders!

If you are interested: contact 

We will organize a trip leader webinar for interested parties about the benefits of leading a trip.

Let us know as we will hold training in April. Trip planning takes all year to get the most out of leasing a trip.

Submitted by Rick Cobello

"Schenectady Wintersports Club Inc." is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2072, Wilton New York 12831

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